Opuntia robusta


Opuntia robusta rooted into a 9cm pot.

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Opuntia robusta rooted into a 9cm pot.

Opuntia robusta, the ‘Wheel Cactus’, originates from Central and Northern Mexico and can be found in a variety of different habitats, from open rocky slopes to more shaded woodlands. Typically reaching up to 1 metre in height, plants are made up from fleshy pads covered in sharp spines.

This has proven to be very cold hardy for us here in Devon, and online, references to it tolerating extremely cold temperatures can be found. We have had plants in an unheated greenhouse for many years. However, it is essential to keep plants dry for the winter months if they are to survive.

Grow in a very well drained potting mix. Water can be given freely during summer months, but keep dry for the winter. If planting out, then a favourable micro-climate will be needed, otherwise keep it as a pot plant or summer bedding. Opuntia robusta does flourish is sheltered and well drained plantings in the South East of the UK.

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