10x seeds of Trachycarpus martianus.
Trachycarpus martianus is a rare and sought after species with a distinct and elegant appearance – very different to other more commonly seen Trachycarpus. These seeds can be traced back to a population found growing in Nepal at over 2000m altitude.
Trachycarpus martianus forms a slender trunk that lacks the fibrous ‘hessian sack’ leaf bases of other Trachycarpus species. Leaves are very large. The evenly divided leaflets down to around the half way point on the leaf can result in a particularly exotic appearance. The seeds have a kidney bean shape, in common with Trachycarpus latisectus, to which this appears to be closely related.
Trachycarpus martianus is not as hardy as others within the genus and it will need some winter protection in colder areas of the UK. However, there are good examples growing in the South West and mildest parts of the country.