Is your garden club or society looking for a speaker who can give a lively and entertaining talk? Talks can be given in person or via Zoom.
Ben is a well known and regular garden speaker and can currently offer fully illustrated and engaging talks on the following subjects, either given in person or via Zoom:
Colour in the Garden.
Our gardens can be full of colour and interest. This talk looks at how to create year round colour in the garden, different planting schemes and ideas, and how colour changes according to the seasons.
UK Sub-Tropical Gardening.
'UK Subtropical Gardening' takes a look at the history of this garden style, from its Victorian origins through to the present day, before exploring a variety of plants and practical planting ideas that can be used to create a subtropical or exotic effect whilst using hardy plants.
The Fascinating world of Aroids - plants of the Arum family.
'The Fascinating World of Aroids' introduces this group of unusual plants and takes a closer look at their cultivation and how to successfully grow them in the garden.
Plants of the Canary Islands.
The Canary Islands are packed full of wonderful and unusual plants, many of which are found nowhere else in the world. Some of these can be successfully grown in our UK gardens. 'Plants of the Canary Islands' takes us on a tour of the Canaries and explores the landscapes and plants that grow in these unique landscapes.
Wildlife Friendly Gardening.
Gardens can provide an important space for wildlife, no matter how large or small your garden is. 'Wildlife Friendly Gardening' explores a range of plants and gardening ideas that benefit our native wildlife, from bees and pollinators to butterflies and frogs!
Arisaema - The Cobra Lilies.
Suited for more specialist horticultural groups and societies, 'Arisaema - The Cobra Lilies' takes an in depth look at these fantastic and unusual plants. All aspects of cultivation and propagation are covered, based on many years experience growing Arisaema, as well as taxonomy and conservation.
No garden talk is complete without pictures! I will bring a colour digital projector and screen to help illustrate each talk. All I'll need is a plug socket!
A selection of unusual plants can also be brought for sale.

Ben Candlin
Dear Ben,
Just a note to say thanks for your entertaining talk yesterday to the Devon Group of the Hardy Plant Society. I think you could tell by the audience reaction that it was thoroughly enjoyed by all present and several members came up to me afterwards to say how much they had enjoyed it and that they had no idea there were so many different types of aroids. I think you stimulated quite a few to be more adventurous....
Once again, many thanks for a splendid talk,
Roger Stuckey Programme Secretary, Devon HPS