
Over the past few years we have been establishing a growing collection of Arum species. The species listed for sale here are only a small selection of the species in our cultivation. We raise our plants from seed and offset division.

These plants do not travel well in the post when in growth, so we only send them out as dormant tubers. These are available mid-late summer through to late autumn.

Arum is one of the most familiar of all Aroid genera and is very widely cultivated, although this is usually limited to just one or two species. This is a shame – the genus contains many excellent plants.

Common names for members of ths genus include Lords and Ladies, Jack in the Pulpit and Cuckoo Pint. Arum has an unfair reputation as a troublesome weed, thanks to our native Arum maculatum which can spread rapidly. Thankfully, most are much better behaved in the garden and you should not let this one species put you off!

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