On this page you will find a selection of Cycad seedlings for sale. All plants are seed raised here in the UK. From time to time, we may also offer Cycad seeds for sale – these will be listed here too.
Cycads are ancient and primitive plants that bear a very superficial resemblance to a palm tree. All are very slow growing, but make extremely rewarding plants to grow.
Many Cycads are critically endangered in their wild habitat and are often very rare indeed in cultivation too.
The plants we are most interested in growing are those that will grow well in a typical cool UK summer – this includes several Cycas species, as well an numerous Macrozamia species among others. We also cannot help but admire and grow many of the ‘blue’ leaved species and forms. Fantastic plants!
All can be easily grown in pots with a very well drained compost mix. We use a high proportion of inorganic matter with the compost including perlite and grit.
Browse the Cycads we currently have for sale: