Price per dormant Amorphophallus albus tuber. Various sizes available. The photo shows typical tubers. A few are producing stolons.
Amorphophallus albus is an easy species to cultivate, being a little more tolerant of over-watering and rotting than many others. Producing a typical umbrella shaped Amorphophallus leaf, the inflorescence is creamy white and held on top of a 1 foot long petiole.
Grow in a well drained but rich soil. Fertilise once a month with a weak liquid feed for the first few months of active growth whilst the leaf is unfurling and the roots are growing. A dilute solution of a high Phosphate feed towards the latter stages of the growing season can help increase tuber size – all important when growing amorphophallus on to flowering size. Ease off the watering as the plant begins to enter dormancy towards the end of the season.
Amorphophallus albus reproduces readily through rhizomatous offsets. A fully grown tuber meagsures between 7 – 10cm
Store the tubers dry when dormant at room temperature. It is safe to store Amorphophallus albus out of the soil when dormant.