Ariopsis protanthera


Ariopsis protanthera is a cute little species from the forest understory in the Himalayas.

Each tuber makes attractive heart shaped leaves to around 20cm across, which is preceded by the miniature inflorescence, about the size of a finger nail.


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Price per 1x tuber. These are naturally small, but are full sized.

Ariopsis protanthera is a cute little species from the forest understory in the Himalayas.

Each tuber makes attractive heart shaped leaves to around 20cm across, which is preceded by the miniature inflorescence, about the size of a finger nail.

We had previously listed this for sale as Ariopsis peltata, however, the correct name is Ariopsis protanthera. In fact, virtually all (if not all) of the Ariopsis in cultivation in the West are Ariopsis protanthera, and virtually all of it is wrongly named. Ariopsis peltata appears to be a very different plant. To add to the general state of confusion, this species is often sold as Ariopsis babata – another incorrect name.

Not frost hardy – Ariopsis protanthera is best grown in pots, outdoors in a warm, shady area, with the tubers being lifted for the winter. In time, numerous offsets will develop. Store the tubers virtually dry, but in their compost as they can desiccate whilst dormant.

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