Aloe polyphylla is probably one of the most sought after of all succulents. Forming a unique flattened spiral of chunky succulent leaves, it is now sadly rare in the wild due to over-collection.
Our plants are UK seed grown, strong, healthy and well established in their pots. Available as 1 litre or 2 litre pot sizes.
Amazingly these are are hardy to cold and can take low temperatures with ease. However, drainage must be excellent and it is wise to keep rain and snow out of crown during winter. Perhaps best planted in a sunny and protected spot on a slope with winter protection, or grown in a pot and placed somewhere with overhead winter protection. Good air cicrculation is essential, so don’t go stuffing this into a closed greenhouse for the winter!
Aloe polyphylla is unusual with its cultivation requirements – unlike virtually all other Aloe’s, it requires quite a bit of water to grow well. If it is to be kept potted, we have found that it grows best and much faster when potted on regularly and kept well watered during the summer months. They can tolerate extreme drought but grow very slowly under such conditions.